Where does solidarity begin and end in society? Understanding the boundaries between collective support and personal responsibility

cairn stones and body of water in distance

In any functioning society, the balance between solidarity and personal responsibility plays a crucial role. Solidarity—supporting one another in times of need—is a fundamental pillar of social cohesion. It strengthens communities and fosters a sense of unity. But there are reasonable limits to this support, especially when it comes to areas where individual choices impact […]

German health insurers: cost structure, comparison with the Netherlands, and challenges of the healthcare system

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Germany is known for its comprehensive and well-developed healthcare system, supported by a combination of statutory and private health insurers, known as Krankenkassen. Despite the solid foundation of the German healthcare system, both health insurers and hospitals face significant financial and organizational challenges. Rising costs for hospital care and pharmaceuticals, combined with an aging population […]

The Disappearance of Ownership and Responsibility in the Big City: A Call for Awareness and Action

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In today’s major cities, we are witnessing a concerning trend: the sense of ownership and responsibility among many citizens seems to have largely disappeared. This is particularly evident in areas where personal involvement and understanding of financial obligations, such as service charges, are crucial. More and more citizens appear to expect everything to be taken […]

Navigating a Female-Dominated World as a Man: My Experience with Flexibility Training in Amsterdam

woman in gray leggings and black sports bra doing yoga on yoga mat

When I first stepped into the world of flexibility training, specifically at Poledance Factory in Amsterdam, I was a man with a simple goal: to improve my flexibility. At 1.95 meters tall and weighing 105 kg, I knew this wasn’t going to be an easy task. What I didn’t expect, however, was how much this journey would challenge not only my body but also my social expectations in an environment predominantly occupied by women.

The dual threat: How smartphones and sugar combine to exacerbate addiction susceptibility and self-esteem

a person taking a photo of a glass with iced coffee and a dessert on a plate

In today’s digital society, smartphones and sugary products are ubiquitous. While these facets of modern life superficially offer comfort and connectivity, they hide a layered complexity that can pose significant psychological challenges. This article explores the synergistic effects of excessive smartphone use and high sugar consumption, focusing particularly on how these habits contribute to addiction […]