Omvang van het probleem: Zowel nationale als internationale peilingen tonen dat een significant deel van de Nederlandse leerlingen niet over voldoende basisvaardigheden in taal en rekenen beschikt. Volgens de Onderwijsraad behaalt bijvoorbeeld 24% van de 15-jarigen het minimale niveau in leesvaardigheid niet en 16% haalt het minimale niveau in wiskunde niet.
Onderwijskwaliteit in Nederland 2023-2024: Deel 1

Steekproefonderzoeken 2023-2024: resultaten en oorzaken In 2023 is de onderwijsinspectie begonnen met steekproefsgewijze kwaliteitsonderzoeken om een breder beeld te krijgen van de onderwijskwaliteit. Uit een eerste steekproef van ruim 200 scholen in het primair en voortgezet onderwijs bleek dat circa 20% van de onderzochte scholen het oordeel “Onvoldoende” kreeg
Why Democracy Will Abandon Us in the Next 10 Years

The Decline of Voter Turnout Before 1970, the Netherlands had compulsory voting, meaning citizens were required to cast their votes in elections. This system ensured broad representation and that the population’s voice was heard. However, due to the impracticality of enforcing penalties, this obligation was abolished. As a result, voter turnout has significantly declined. Today, […]
The Interplay of Neuropsychological, Social, and Biological Factors in Cognitive Rigidity: The Role of Demographics, Gender, and Nutrition

Introduction Cognitive rigidity refers to an individual’s difficulty in adapting to new information, shifting perspectives, or adjusting behavior in response to changing environments. This phenomenon has been linked to various psychological disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and schizophrenia. Understanding the origins of cognitive rigidity requires a multidisciplinary approach that considers neuropsychological, […]
The Exponential Age: How AI is Reshaping Our World, for Better and Worse

Introduction: A World Changing at Breakneck Speed We have entered what many call the Exponential Age, where technological advancements are not just incremental but accelerating at an unprecedented pace. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has amplified this transformation, revolutionizing industries, communication, and even how we perceive truth. AI is a powerful tool, but like […]
Year review 2024: A Year of growth, challenges, and insights

Professional development Career change and growth The year began turbulently with a position that didn’t align with my work style. The organization proved too large, and there was a culture of fear where my rapid decision-making caused unease among colleagues. This situation, combined with ongoing financial recovery from COVID-19, led to the decision to make […]
Boost Your Productivity with 6 Japanese Techniques

Japan has long been admired for its philosophies and practices that prioritize balance, efficiency, and mindfulness. Whether in the workplace or personal life, Japanese principles can offer actionable strategies to increase productivity and achieve more during your day or week. In this article, we will explore six transformative techniques: Ikigai, Kaizen, the Pomodoro Technique, Hara-hachi […]
The Report “Blind to Humanity and Justice”: A Stark Example of a Ruthless Government

The report “Blind to Humanity and Justice” provides a harrowing insight into how the Dutch government, along with its affiliated agencies, foundations, and organizations, operates. It highlights how an inhumane approach to fraud prevention and benefits administration has destroyed countless lives. This report not only calls for reflection but also demands a fundamental re-evaluation of […]
Where does solidarity begin and end in society? Understanding the boundaries between collective support and personal responsibility

In any functioning society, the balance between solidarity and personal responsibility plays a crucial role. Solidarity—supporting one another in times of need—is a fundamental pillar of social cohesion. It strengthens communities and fosters a sense of unity. But there are reasonable limits to this support, especially when it comes to areas where individual choices impact […]
German health insurers: cost structure, comparison with the Netherlands, and challenges of the healthcare system

Germany is known for its comprehensive and well-developed healthcare system, supported by a combination of statutory and private health insurers, known as Krankenkassen. Despite the solid foundation of the German healthcare system, both health insurers and hospitals face significant financial and organizational challenges. Rising costs for hospital care and pharmaceuticals, combined with an aging population […]