Let me be clear, everybody has to make their own choices but some have it easier than others, that is just facts. Let me explain.
To begin:

In the paid podcast captainsline we recently discovered that Ab Osterhuis has got the status of ‘corps diplomatique’. He did not need to show his QR code while travelling through NYC Airport in November 2021. This man is 90% of time on states television (one of their most popular programs ‘op1’)
This was the event Ab1 Osterhaus was attending.
This is the man in question

This man, how accomplished he may be, the man is a veterinarian, not even a normal human doctor.
If this man can obtain an corps diplomatique, is it than completely crazy to think that more people employed or affiliated with the Dutch government enjoy the privileges that corps diplomatique enjoy. Like no need to be vaccinated and or tested for example. Which for A lot of people is an absolute must otherwise they lose their income/job.
So a diplomat in the Netherlands only needs to show a ‘health declaration‘, what is this exactly? It can only be given by an independent doctor (english version). What are cost of a ‘health declaration’, for your drivers license in the Netherlands for example, €40,00 . I can be somewhat more expensive (the drivers licence entity is a government funded, so they sometimes add more costs)

So, to escape the the unknown of the vaccine, diplomatic people need to pay give or take €50,00 – €100,00-(additional cost)
Would it be possible for some government employees to obtain a status as a diplomat, during these times?