The 2021 incompetence series in the Netherlands

person dropping paper on box

Where to start…… maybe the total and complete push to vaccinate anybody and everybody and selling it as the best and only solution possible.

To be clear, vaccination helps but everybody should decide this for themselves. Both my government and my local municipality Amsterdam went too far in my opinion. To give you some examples from the adverts.

The Municipality website of Amsterdam. Here they actively promoting vaccines for adolescence/ teenage years
Here is my government promoting vaccines for nationwide.
This is local advert in a city in the Netherlands
This is an advert for medical people in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Getting medical people to vaccinate others.

The problem I’m having with these adverts is the following; they are against the medicines law.

Medicines law:

Too top it all off, every government official, from our health minister Hugo de Jonge (his background, from CDA) has failed in almost every way imaginable. Then we have our minister-president (is 10 years in power now, he is sadly a very talented politician, from VVD), he made sure our health system is completely done for. Then we have Kajsa Ollongren (her position: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, she is from D66). Her responsibilitis. Then we have just recently the mayor of Amsterdam basically selling the vaccines.

Anything that could go wrong is going wrong. In the Netherlands everything is based upon the ‘infection totals’. We have 2 ways of going about it, GGD; this the most important body in the information flow to the World Health Organisation (IHR). The GGD/RIVM is messing up big time continuously (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). So GGD is for when you are feeling sick. Then we have TestenVoorToegang, if you want to enjoy any event in the Netherlands you need to be tested. This government funded (1,1 billion euros) entity supplies and arranges those quick test. A quick analysis; between 1 and 7 November 2021 TestenVoorToegang had 534,000 appointments, not testing, appointments. Because people obviously can ‘cancel’ or become a ‘no-show’. TestenVoorToegang (1.1 billion euros government funding) pays testing locations €12,77 per test. So the Government pays €6.819.180 in that week on testing

The problem politicians now seem to have is the promise that was impossible in the first place to deliver on, no transmission while being vaccinated. The vaccine was being sold to the Dutch as ‘the solution’. For me this fragment of WHO briefing gave me early on enough information that vaccines were not the total answer, it obviously helped.

Look, up to point our parliament in Netherlands have responsibilities and not talking about it is bad. The same with the EU and Ursula von der Leyen, she makes very impactful decisions whilst she is not democratically chosen.

Another problem is we have people in important places (highly educated; master degrees and PhD’s) whom have no practical experience what so ever, which makes them enormously vulnerable in crisis situations. Thereby these people can not handle any pressure, which creates and fuels enormously bad decisions. The worst of all, they are too proud, stubborn and stupid to even ask for help, from seriously well-experieced/extensive track-record business people, who would gladly help. It is like, covid-19 is the ultimate project of the academics (omt) and they are failing miserably in the Netherlands. Not even too mention that the science and decision making within government is enormously heavy politicized. There are multiple taboos in society but currently the weirdest taboo is increasing the healthcare sector and specifically the IC units. Too me this sounds logic, naming a director of all hospital care in the Netherlands. It just does not happen and when you talk about it is like talking about the immigrant situation in Netherlands and those complications. What immigrant crisis?

Then the following, we have like I mentioned an advisory body to our government for covid-19. Now the idiotic element, they continuously promote on government funded radio and tv program, vaccines, like it is are some kind of athletic shoe. After 6 months, people know were to get the information, rivm. You don’t need to put it down our throats via every media channel available to you. Thereby we have something like a The Stichting Reclame Code (SRC) deals with the self-regulation system of advertising in The Netherlands. The entire regulation system when it comes down to covid-19 is thrown over board. Fo example:


So what is the definition according to this entity above?


This radio item, government funded, is misleading. Sadly one of the many interview. It points to the fact that if everybody is vaccinated we no longer have an overload of our healthcare system, specifically the IC beds. A commercial entity had in 2020 an good idea to relieve the load for the healthcare system in Netherlands. The problem were having in essence is this: 1 hospital room normally host 3 or 4 patients, when you have a covid-19 patient this person needs 1 room for him or herself. It is what it is. In video, it gets explained around 09:00 minutes.

So when I hear on radio this man (Marc Bonten), he is in the omt advisory board to the government and does research for Pfizer and Jannsen (J&J). Is it too much to ask that we ask people on radio or on television paid by the government that they do not have any ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Or is everybody on the payroll of the pharmaceutical industry? When this it is not possible, then just mention it during the beginning of the interview, especially during government funded media.

On a side note, Germany

When I read this


Or this..


It seems that they face similar problems after 20 months in Germany as in the Netherlands. People are tired and frustrated.

But there are some interesting voices, like this doctor Dr. Andreas Gassen.

The actual sad part is that idiocy seems to be happens also in Germany on many fronts. Take this example


Even a satire show could not have made this up, who on earth thinks of these rules. Do policymakers even have a life? Have they ever enjoyed a decent social life. Because only an extreme introvert would come up with this. Tha fuck???, read the entire acticle here.

Now the part that even weirder. Let start with serology, have you had the virus and did your body on its own create anti-bodies. Even a scientific paper said it was good, I just used logic and what I learned during biology in middle school. But politics in EU commission think is a bad idea, therefore will not allow it.


Then they actually put some real effort in the arguments, trying to make sense of their decision, which in my mind is idiotic.

The chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan had also a nice remark in a ‘closed’ environment of the Financial Times. So only paid members of the financial times were allowed to see this. Too me, everybody should see this, it should be on every news outlet. I think employees of FT and WHO were forgotten that the Internet is used for sharing.


For the people who think; “how on earth did you find this?” I follow specific media. Then you search and sometimes you get lucky.


Then this


So I knew it needed to be behind a paywall. Luckily, some news organisations just publish the youtube video.

So this video from chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan with the Financial Times needed to be ‘hidden’ on youtube.

With all this in mind, I can’t really blame anyone for thinking in conspiracies and hoaxes. This pandemic with all the information and incompetent politicians, just make it seriously impossible for anyone. Even myself, the last video from above, I just learned about it the 5th of December 2021.

Let go a step further and somewhat more serious. Some of us know the director-general of the WHO Tedros Adhanom. He apparently has a history in Ethiopia, he was the Ethiopian foreign minister and a member of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Executive Committee 2012 to 2016. So David Steinman, filed a complaint against Mr. Tedros with the ICC. It is something that needs to be researched. Then again, Mr. Tedros probably enjoys diplomatic privileges.
