No, I’m not going into the Dutch army. Just trying something new to stay fit. This is the minimum physical exercise test.
How did it go for the first time…? 😂 I absolutely underestimated it. Which part? The running part.

After 900 meters of jogging (I wasn’t running), my lungs and upper legs said: fuck you. You have to know, I dislike running, I never really liked it. Still, I’m willing to go through this agony, because it is something I want to achieve. It is going to take me some time.
The push-ups and sit-ups, no problem. It is actually quite embarrassing that I can’t continuously jog (not even running) for 2400 meters. Forget the 12 minutes, my leggs and lungs, just repeadly said: fuck you asshole. I had to stop and walk 4 times.
Personally I really can recommend this people. Try these basic entrance fitness test of your nations army, they keep you fit. You don’t have to go to the army. Still, this a very good test to keep fit and in shape.
Update 25-04-2021: I completely finished it in one run but forgot to look at the time.
Update 28-04-2021: Again finished it in one run, time: 13:11. 1:12 seconds too slow.