We have a, if not the biggest crisis since the second world war in my country NL. Small business is getting erased like never before.
The Wuhan corona crisis has shown the true face of our politicians and it is bad. They are completely out of touch with the normal citizens. The regular media does not exist and is to scared for their jobs to ask hard and good questions. This is probably what socialism looks like. Most people dependent on the government and a lot of people scared.
On a side note the debts. My country is also in deep trouble
The Netherlands: €443,298,332,910 and counting.. We also have negative interest rates .
So, maybe one of the most important elections ever is going to be held in the NL. The biggest problems are housing and jobs. The rest are momentarily luxury problems.
Climate is important but let’s rank it; 1. marine cloud whitening research: 5 billion dollars, 2. stratospheric aerosol insertion research: yearly 4,2 billion dollars, 3. carbon storage research: yearly 3 billion dollars.
Let start with housing, I read this article and looks like the big political parties are going to do nothing about housing.
Let’s zoom in on the housing issue.
The budget for housing in the Netherlands is 295,000,000.00 (millions) in 2021. We have shortage of 845,000 apartment/houses between the 2020 and 2030. This enormous.
What are the cost of Amsterdam, They are 6,87 billion euro’s:

What are our income streams, in total: 6,86 billion Euro’s. Solely 3,98 billion from Amsterdam government itself. Kind of scary at first sight.

Then we have another problem (this one from 2019 but my instinct tells me 2020 is not going to be better), every annual report is check by an independent auditor’s report. Guess what, they could not sign off. Which part? The ‘buy and tenders’ part (page 418).

So Jobs, like I said small and medium sized businesses are getting erased like never before. This because of the 1,5 meter rule. Which nobody cares about in reality and is not even possible in society in general. Then we have the severity of virus (now I’m getting on thin ice for a lot people). Let’s show some government facts. This presentation below is given from public health and environment department from the Dutch government.
I can’t tell anybody what to choose 17 march 2020. But make a calculated choice. For me, I’m going to accept whatever the result will be. I believe in individual freedom and responsibility. On that note
This is an added bonus from me, the medical prescriptions of the vaccines in Dutch.