China has made a lot of people very wealthy. It is an amazing culture, so I’ve heard. In the sense of doing business, it is very dangerous.
First example, Jack Ma founder of Alibaba Group, he basicly disappeared of the face off the earth. Why, speculation goes is that he was too wealthy and had too much (political) power. That is something the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does not like.
Second example. Any major business (fortune 500, from America) that wants to venture into China because of it’s lucrative market (1,4 billion inhabitants).
China cares more about their political power than about their economy, that is to me. Another example:
China will quickly identify an outbreak and cut off all car, train and air services to the affected area. China will also quickly shut down major ports and distribution centers if even a single case appears. China knows that the spread of the virus is a threat to the legitimacy of the Chinese Communist Party. China cares more about Party loyalty and Party survival than it does about economic growth.
This the reason why companies in the Netherlands for example, should really find and alternative to China. I know the money is insanely good. But every time the government needs to intervene, everything gets closed and business will suffer for it.